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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. Manuscript prepared following the guidelines strictly substantially reduces the time taken in editorial processing and results into rapid decision.
    2. Manuscript should be submitted electronically as single word file embedding all the figures and tables in following format:
    Font: Times New Roman; Font size- 14 for article title, 13 for section titles and 12 for text.
    Page setup: 1” margin in all sides.
    3. The manuscript should be structured as word file in following pattern:
    Title page: It should include article title, name of author (s), affiliations, full contact address of corresponding author with Phone, Fax and Email. DO NOT provide designation of authors (e.g. professor, research scholar, etc.)
    Next page will contain ABSTRACT of the article (150-250 words) followed by 5-6 keywords.
    The manuscript text will start from the subsequent page.
    4. The manuscript body will consist of [i] Introduction: This section will give brief introduction of the research work while reviewing the latest research related to it. The introduction section should provide up-to-date review of literature highlighting the lacunae in existing knowledge and should clearly mention the significance and objectives of the research work being reported. [ii] Materials & Methods: This section should be detailed enough so that the other interested researchers could repeat the experiments. In case of common methods used, only citation will be sufficient. However, if any modification in the established method was made, it should be clearly mentioned. Wherever applicable, it should also be mentioned that the ethical clearance was obtained for performing animal trials. Data must have been given suitable statistical treatment. [iii] Results: Authors should describe their important observations in this section. The data should have been analysed statistically [iv] Discussion and conclusions: In this section, authors should discuss their observations in view of already published literature. Variation from the published reports, if any, should be discussed logically giving all possible reasons and then conclusions should be made.
    5. Acknowledgements: After “Discussion and conclusions” section, authors can acknowledge the technical help/financial grant of their colleague/institutes etc.
    6. References: The citation pattern in bibliography should be like this:-
    Journal article:
    Walkley A, Black IA (1934) Determination of organic carbon in soil. Soil Science 37: 29-38
    Book chapter
    Hall IR, Wang Y (1998) Methods for cultivating edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In Varma A (Ed). Mycorrhiza Manual, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
    Book citation:
    Somasegaran P, Hoben HJ (1994) Handbook for Rhizobia: Methods in Legume–Rhizobium Technology. Springer, New York.
    Online document:
    Karvy AA (2008) Seasonal outlook on chili. Karvy Special Reports, KarvyComtrade. karvys/SpecialReports20080908 01.pdf, accessed on 01 June 2010.
    PhD Thesis:
    Ames LH (1991) The proposed plans for the Iowa State College athletic field including the design of a reinforced concrete grandstand and wall. PhD Thesis, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA.
    7. The Tables and figures should be placed just after the “Reference section”. The figures should be clear with high resolution.
    8. IMPORTANT NOTE ON SUBMISSION OF AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM: Scanned copy of the duly filled and signed "author agreement form" is to be uploaded as a supplementary file at STEP-4 (sl no 10) during the process of manuscript submission. Blank format of author agreement form is available at al no 4 of author guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please click here for Sample Paper

Authors willing to submit their manuscript are requested to carefully go through the guidelines as given below:

Manuscript Preparation

  1. Manuscript prepared following the guidelines strictly substantially reduces the time taken in editorial processing and results into rapid decision.
  2. Manuscript should be submitted electronically as single word file embedding all the figures and tables at their respective place where they should appear finally, in the following format:
  3. Font: Times New Roman; Font size- 14 for article title, 13 for section titles and 12 for text.
  4. Page setup: 2” margin in all sides.
  5. Manuscript text should be line-numbered continuously using the option In MS Word: Layout>Line numbers>Continuous.
  6. The manuscript should be structured as word file in following pattern:
  • Title page: It should include article title, name of author (s), affiliations, full contact address of corresponding author with Phone, Fax and Email.
  • Next page will contain abstract of the article (150-250 words) followed by 5-6 keywords.
  • The manuscript text will start from the subsequent page.
  • The manuscript body will consist of [i] Introduction: This section will give brief introduction of the research work while reviewing the latest research related to it. While reviewing the literature, lacunae in existing knowledge must be identified and highlighted just before providing the aims and objectives. The introduction section should clearly mention the significance and objectives of the research work being reported. [ii] Materials & Methods: This section should be detailed enough so that the other interested researchers could repeat the experiments. In case of common methods used, only citation will be sufficient. However, if any modification in the established method was made, it should be clearly mentioned. Wherever applicable, it should also be mentioned that the ethical clearance was obtained for performing animal trials. [iii] Results: Authors should describe their important observations in this section. The data  should be presented with appropriate statistical analysis [iv] Discussion and conclusions: In this section, authors should discuss their observations in view of already published literature. Variation from the published reports, if any, should be discussed logically giving all possible reasons and then conclusions should be made.
  • Acknowledgements: After “Discussion and conclusions” section, authors can acknowledge the technical help/financial grant of their colleague/institutes etc.
  • References: The referencing pattern should be like this:-
  • Journal article
  • Walkley A,  Black IA (1934) Determination of organic carbon in soil. Soil Science 37: 29-38
  • Book chapter
  • Hall IR, Wang Y (1998) Methods for cultivating edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In Varma A (Ed). Mycorrhiza Manual, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Book citation
  • Somasegaran P, Hoben HJ (1994) Handbook for Rhizobia: Methods in Legume–Rhizobium Technology. Springer, New York.
  • Online document
  • Karvy AA (2008) Seasonal outlook on chili. Karvy Special Reports, KarvyComtrade. karvys/SpecialReports20080908 01.pdf, accessed on 01 June 2010.
  • The Tables and figures should be placed just after the “Reference section”. The figures should be clear with high resolution.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE ON SUBMISSION OF AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM: Scanned copy of the duly filled and signed "author agreement form"  must be uploaded as a supplementary file at STEP-4 (sl no 10) during the process of manuscript submission. Blank format of author agreement form is available at al no 4 of author guidelines. Kindly upload the scanned copy of signed "AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM" in the online submission system itself on the same page just after uploading the manuscript file (at UPLOAD SUBMISSION: Step 2). 
  • Please click here to download the blank author agreement form. 

Professional Language Editing: Authors willing to avail paid services of professional language editors may contact However, this referral is just to facilitate authors to improve the language of their manuscript. It is neither mandatory to submit the manuscript using this service, nor does it guarantee of acceptance of manuscript for publication in SAJEB. The decision of editorial board shall be final in this regard.

Please click here to know the process of online submission of manuscript

Submission of Manuscript

  1. Detailed procedure explaining online submission has been illustrated in a PDF linked here wherein step-by-step instructions are provided (Please click here to know the process of online submission of manuscript). Before inititing submission, authors are advised to go through this PDF. If manuscript file cannot be uploaded due to filze size error (if MS file is more than 2MB), then kindly  remove the figures/high resolution images from the manuscript file and upload them separately.
  2. Submission of a manuscript to the SAJEB implies that the research work described has neither been published, nor it is under consideration for publication anywhere else and the manuscript has been approved by all co-authors.
  3. It is the responsibility of author (s) to obtain prior approval of the appropriate authorities of the institute where the work had been carried out. The publisher in no case, whatsoever, will be held legally responsible if there were any claims raised for compensation.
  4. If authors are using any copyrighted material (figure, table or text passages), they must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for doing that. Authors are fully responsible for the authenticity of the literature and originality of the data. The SAJEB will not be responsible for the plagiarism.
  5. Author (s) will submit an author agreement form in the specified format for copyright transfer and declare about authenticity of the literature and originality of the data. Kindly upload the scanned copy of signed "AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM" in the online submission system itself on the same page just after uploading the manuscript file (at UPLOAD SUBMISSION: Step 2). Please click here to download the blank author agreement form. 
  6. We receive nominal fee from the authors as the manuscript handling charges after acceptance of their manuscript by our reviewer panel. The amount of fee payable is dependent upon several factors including author's affiliation, manuscript length, etc. The usual average charges are INR 4400 for Indian authors and US$340 for authors outside India, per manuscript. However, publication of article in our journal is not contingent upon author's capability to remit the fee. Partial waiver in fee is also granted to the deserving and needy authors. Priority in waiver is accorded to the budding researchers.

Submission of revised manuscript
After completion of the evaluation, if the reviewers suggest the authors to make a revision in the manuscript, authors should upload (1) a revised manuscript and (2) Action taken/rebuttal/point-by-point reply of the reviewers comments, in the REVIEW panel itself on the website under the same submission ID. Kindly do not make a fresh submission for the revised manusript. Manuscript ID should reflect in the file name of revised manuscript (example: Revised MS ID-687).


Manuscript handling workflow at a glance:

Submisssion of manuscript along with signed author agreement form in the online system by the author> Desk editorial staff carries out initial checks> Manuscript sent by the journal editorial office to reviewer panel for double-blind peer review> Receipt of evaluation report> Communication of report to Author> If revision is suggested by the reviwer panel, author submits revised manuscript> Revised manuscript again goes to reviewer panel for a final decision>Arrival of decision by reviewer panel> communication of decision to author>For ACCEPT decision, author is requested to pay manuscript handling fee> Receipt of fee> Preparation of article galley proof and comunication to author for the approval> Author approves the proof> Scheduling of article for next immediate publication issue.


Research Articles

Please submit original unpublished articles.

Review Articles

Please submit original unpublished reviews.

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